Laser Skin Tightening

Our Experts

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Grace Gast
Lisa Henry
Lisa Carr
Michelle Blondeel

Laser skin tightening is a noninvasive procedure designed to reverse signs of aging on the skin. It can be used on all areas of the face and body, but is typically used on the face and neck. It works by heating the underlying layers of skin to stimulate collagen production, which, in turn, causes the skin to look fuller and tighter. Wrinkles, fine lines, lax skin and other signs of aging are minimized, and skin looks healthier and more youthful.

For skin tightening at MedAesthetics we offer ResurFX, BroadBand Light and Forma.


The ResurFX laser is a non-ablative fractional laser that is used for skin resurfacing and tightening. It works by delivering laser energy in tiny microbeams to the skin, which causes controlled injury to the skin. This injury triggers the body's natural healing response, which results in the production of new collagen, a protein that gives skin its elasticity. The new collagen tightens and firms the skin, which helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and improves the overall texture and tone of the skin. Additionally, the ResurFX laser can also help to reduce the appearance of acne scars, age spots, and other skin imperfections.

BroadBand Light (BBL)

BroadBand Light (BBL) is a technology used in cosmetic and medical treatments to improve the appearance of the skin. BBL helps with skin tightening by heating the deeper layers of the skin, which can cause the skin to contract and become firmer. The treatment is non-invasive and is often used on the face, neck, chest, and hands. It is commonly referred to as a "photofacial".


Forma is a non-surgical treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to heat deep layers of the skin, promoting collagen production and tightening the skin. It can be used to treat various areas of the body, including the face, neck, and abdomen. The treatment is typically performed in a series of sessions and results can be seen over time as collagen production increases.

Laser Skin Tightening Procedure

Laser skin tightening is an in-office procedure usually performed by a dermatologist. A session begins with an anesthetic cream being applied to the areas of skin being treated; this minimizes discomfort caused by the laser. Protective eyewear is also supplied. During the actual treatment, a handpiece, which emits cool air to also help reduce discomfort, is used to apply short pulses of laser energy to the skin. The heat from the laser stimulates collagen production, which then contracts and tightens the skin.

Depending upon the size of the treatment area, sessions typically take 30 minutes to an hour. For best results, 2 or 3 treatment sessions, spaced about 1 month apart, are usually recommended. Many patients see improvement to the overall condition of their skin immediately after being treated, and skin continues to improve over the next few months as collagen production increases. In some cases, the results of laser skin tightening last for 2 years.

Advantages of Laser Skin Tightening

Because it is not invasive, many people choose to undergo laser skin tightening rather than facelifts, neck lifts, liposuction or “tummy tucks,” all of which are surgical procedures that require recovery time. After a laser skin tightening session, patients can resume their regular activities immediately.

Side Effects of Laser Skin Tightening

There are no serious side effects associated with laser skin tightening. Mild side effects, which are temporary, include redness; swelling; bruising; skin sensitivity; and changes in skin color. Any discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

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